Saturday, January 15, 2005

Surprise surprise no nukes in the desert

The above link speaks for itself.

There was no great enthusiasm in this country for war in Iraq from anyone outside of Westminster, and not that many inside. But to war we went - on the basis that there were weapons of mass destruction pointing at us.

Thousands lost their lives as a result, including a respected scientist who apparantly committed suicide, after pointing out that the evidence upon which we based our causus belli was completely wrong.

The excuses offered after the event about ridding the World of evil dictators are an insult to our intelligence. The world is full of dubious dictators and evil regimes. How many others are facing military action? Millions have died in the Congo alone and while we send the troops into Iraq the Government allowed our cricket team to tour Zimbabwe where millions of black farmworkers face starvation as a result of policies followed by Mugabe.

The real mystery is this - just how has this Government got away with it?


Blogger David said...

'... But he (Michael Howard) still believed in the war.

Mr Howard said the prize of a stable Iraq was worth striving for and real progress was being made in the country in spite of the absence of any weapons of mass destruction.'
BBC report on the Iraq debateDo you disagree with your party leader, David?

3:04 PM  
Blogger David Davies AM said...

I don't disagree at all. As we have invaded ( or be it for the wrong reasons) we can ensure some good comes out of this by doing our best to create a stable democracy.

1:03 AM  
Blogger David said...

Am I misunderstanding your position, David?

You wrote:-

The excuses offered after the event about ridding the World of evil dictators are an insult to our intelligenceMichael Howard said:-

the prize of a stable Iraq was worth striving for and real progress was being made in the country in spite of the absence of any weapons of mass destructionSeems to be ... clear blue water between you two. Could you say, do you think it was right to go to war in Iraq on the basis of the intelligence at the time? What would have been your decision?

And could you explain what you mean by saying that David Kelly 'apparently' committed suicide?

Hutton said he was satisfied that Kelly committed suicide. The QC for the Kelly family said they accepted Lord Hutton's findings with respect to his death. The Oxfordshire coroner agreed with them both. Is your contra position evidence-based? What is your evidence?

3:41 PM  

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